Friday, April 17, 2009

Just trying to catch UP!!!

Easter weekend went along without much incident. Connor and Sean both had a friend overnight at some point in the 4-day break. My sister Gwyn and her husband came to decorate and help hide eggs. We still managed to get in some good amount of work though. Pete was insistent that we had to get going on the beds/desks we had decided to make out of square metal tubing. It turned out to be a good thing because although we had our ducks in a row, it took forever to get everything cleaned and cut. I was glad when we finally started welding but then “stupid” me hurt my eyes. Yes, I know better than to look at someone welding and no, I did not look directly at the work done! BUT I did not realize that even if you close your eyes and look away from the “spark” that it can still and will burn (blister the inside, in my case) your eyes. So-Do NOT Be ANYWHERE Near Welding WITHOUT The Proper Eye Equipment!!! I can vouch that it will mess up a perfectly wonderful day for you and it really H-U-R-T-S!
On another note, I finally broke down and let Connor have an Easter basket so he could hunt for eggs. I honestly thought he had outgrown the holiday but I guess boys just really never grow up. I know I had by that age but I guess it’s time I get it through my thick head that girls and boys just don’t function anywhere near the same. Not that I want them too-I know firsthand what “girls” do and that is just way boring…..So, at least the boys will always keep my life interesting and colorful (even if it’s not in the spectrum of pink, lilac, and other pastels.)
Going to try hard not to disappoint my hubby this week and get the rest of the painting done. The kids really need to get moved in to their rooms before we can start on the rest of the house. Painting is the final holdup and beyond that, I am the problem with the painting…..Vicious circle. In my defense, I will say I do stay busy when Pete is off. We have been doing something everyday. The hot water heater died and needed to be replaced. We went back with an on-demand tankless version. That also required updated electrical wiring when we installed it. It was an upgrade planned for the next remodel but had to come much sooner. It works great and we were able to get an awesome deal on it online & shipped. We, definitely, have no regrets going with this type of water heater. Pete’s power supply in his computer just kicked it-I’m hoping to go and get one at Fry’s tomorrow for him. It will give me an excuse to take Grant to Build-a-Bear Workshop. He received a coupon for a free animal for his birthday and he will be heartbroken if he cannot go get it. They also have an igloo/tent that he wants. It might be a good place to keep his entire cold dwelling menagerie. This time he wants to get the “Good Housekeeping” Seal. It is actually very cute. He sure LOVES his stuffed animals! Sometimes a little too much we all think.
I had my 38th birthday on Wednesday. Hardly anyone forgets my birthday… falls on income tax day every year and for some reason, people just seem to remember that day easier that others…..Me-I forget it every year! Oh, I do not try to-I am just busier and more easily distracted I guess with my old age, i.e. forgetful/dementia, etc. Or I guess it is just hell to get old and have your priorities shift. Sometimes, I still wish it were all about me, Me, ME!
Well, Pete goes back to work after 7 days off tonight. It will be time to buckle down and get laundry folded away. I am still trying to get everything dirty-dishes & laundry- caught back up from when we were without hot water. Just got a load of trash taken to the dump this morning-We must have 7 full cans still need to go. I could sure use a “butler” or a “Man Friday” like out of “Robinson Crusoe”. Lot's of "Help Needed" around here, that's for sure! But in the meantime I have a hot bath and a box of Calgon waiting for me.....Right now, that's better than any butler, Man "Friday", or Sancho-the gardener/poolman.

Lockset on bathroom door- $10
New HW heater- $259
Box of Calgon- $2.50

Add it all up-

Worth every dang' penny just to have an hour of luxury to myself! Talk to Y'all later!

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