Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm just not feeling a "title" today.

Sorry. Nothing, clever this morning. But no one has ever accused me of being on my game early in the a.m., that's for sure!
Grants' Birthday party yielded no invitees. I will never understand for the life of me why people do not comprehend the point you are trying to convey when you put your NAME and PHONE NUMBER on the line where it says-R.S.V.P.? It's not Greek, people---In fact, it is technically french. R'espondez s'il vous plait means quite simply "please respond". It's not hard and it is definitely good manners and very appreciated. Why do people find it so hard to follow simple rules of propriety? I was out yesterday, window shopping mostly, with my sister. I unexpectedly and gratefully found a book I had been looking for. It was on manners for gentlemen and considering I am not of that persuasion, I had been hoping to find just that sort of reference for Connor & the boys. My Great-grandmother on my mothers side was very proper. She taught me a lot on manners/table settings/etiquette/posture that by today's standards are probably antiquated. I have never forgot them or her. I still use them in my everyday life though and I'm sure people consider me to be a funny duck at times. But if that's a burden I have to bear and that's what it is for, I suppose I can live that! There are worse things than bad manners.....A lot worse.....
Speaking of people-I had this conversation with my sister when I was out bumming with her yesterday. Have you ever wondered, "Is it just you, or do some people just seem to want to be mean, ugly, hurtful, and snide? I swear it is an epidemic. Now, I know not everyone is mentally stable in the world or having a "good day" everyday but Geez' Louise people-is it really necessary to take out your anger/apathy on unsuspecting people? Now that I have been on all sides of before non-medicated/during medicated/after non-medicated for depression, I can say I have a upfront view with all the good and the bad days. So, here it is in a nutshell-
Even if you feel like crap-You DON'T have to be nasty and take it out on everyone else. Simple.
End of story.
Going to work on Connors' furniture today. I have been needing to get going on it but this week started off with a bang and to be honest last week about wiped me out. Went down to Sargent to spend the day & we also took lunch/dessert for my mother-in-law on Mother's Day. Pete and Connor did some Honey-Do List work. I actually got contracted spending the day being the lifeguard at the pool at my sister-in-laws house watching the kids. She was there the whole time yakking away so I'm not sure why I had to be subjected to her and the kids. She and I don't particularly see eye to eye. The past 2 weekends she's finagled a way to get us to watch her kids. Which is something I do not appreciate at all. I never ask anyone to watch my kids unless it is absolutely necessary. My kids know better than to even ask if they can stay over at someone else's house but not hers! And she'll just let them go anywhere, with anyone for any length of time. She doesn't seem to care. I can't stand her!!! What a DINGBAT! Anywho, I would have much rather spent the day with my mother-in-law. I, at least, like her most of the time.

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